Match day, number 2!


A month a go I posted about the flyers I was making for my local rugby club. So today I’ll let you with more a few more of those:

Cartaz4_caldas Cartaz5_lousa Cartaz3_sporting2

More to come later as they come out.




Hey again.
Lately I’ve been working on a set of ideas, one of which is almost ready to upload, for this group of marketplaces (and other stuff) called Envato.

So what is Envato? Like I said, is a group of web places where designers from almost every area can put their works for sale. From graphic design to photography, through code snippets  full PC or mobile applications, music, motion graphics, games, etc. It’s full of awesome works by thousands of designers, and I’m trying to be one of those. Envato also has a website dedicated to freelancers, one just for tutorials and more.

I will try to upload the first project until the end of the year (but then it needs approval, so, if approved, it might take some time to be online), it just needs a little tweaking and it’ll be ready for release.

Here’s a link for my (sill empty) profile page, and later I’ll let one here for my portfolio on GraphicRiver.

See you next time.

Match day!


Last few years I was in charge of the website for my local rugby club (the one where I have been playing for most of my life) and was taking care of some of the club image, such as design for merchandise and match day posters, flyers, billboards…
Last year, the website management changed but I kept giving a hand, and to keep helping with the graphic design, and for self improvement also I’ll keep working on those “really-good-looking” posters.

Here are the first two for the national rugby cup:


More recent ones will be posted later.
