Match day!


Last few years I was in charge of the website for my local rugby club (the one where I have been playing for most of my life) and was taking care of some of the club image, such as design for merchandise and match day posters, flyers, billboards…
Last year, the website management changed but I kept giving a hand, and to keep helping with the graphic design, and for self improvement also I’ll keep working on those “really-good-looking” posters.

Here are the first two for the national rugby cup:


More recent ones will be posted later.


Start from last saved game?


So… I’m re-re-re-re-starting this blog, and hope that this time is for good! But, something is off from last time…. yes, in English. Why? Because I want to, and to practice (no one knows when it might come in handy to have some writing skills), and for a larger “audience”, there may be some grammar mistakes from here on, that’s what I want to correct.

Ok, moving on. This is supposed to be a blog to get myself motivated to work (for me, for my portfolio, and hopefully, for some future clients too) where I will post details on my current works, past and future ones, where I will post relevant events in my day to day life…. everything and anything that I believe can help me improve on something, and of course is interesting for you, the readers.

So what am I working on now? That is something I’ll write on the next posts here (mainly because I have to organize stuff first)

See you next time.